About israel

According to historical studies and archaeological excavations based sheets holy book, the beginning of the Jewish people is closely connected with the story of the prophet Abraham who allegedly occurred approximately 3800 years ago or 1800 years BC.

Tafsir al-Qur'an indicates that Ibrahim (Abraham), the U.S., is expected to stay in Palestinian areas known today as Al-Khalil (Hebron), lives there with Prophet Lut (Lot) (QS, 21:69-71). Abraham's son Ishmael is a prophet and the prophet's son Isaac and Isaac is a prophet prophet Jacob. Jacob's 12 sons prophet who came to be known as the 12 tribes of Israel.

Youngest son of the prophet is the prophet Joseph Jacob U.S. United States, which is known from history, after abandoned in the desert by her brothers, managed to become head of the treasurer in Egypt. Because his father, the prophet Jacob, and his brothers following the prophet Joseph U.S. to Egypt and lived there peacefully until one day the ruling Pharaoh enslave their descendants, known as the children of Israel.

Because Pharaoh infinite cruelty against the children of Israel, God Almighty has sent prophets Musa (Moses), U.S. time, and ordered him to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. U.S. Moses and his people leave Egypt, with the help of God's miracles, c. 1250 BC. They lived in the Sinai Peninsula and east of Canaan. In the Quran, Moses instructed the Israelites to enter Canaan, (Qur'an, 5:21).

After the U.S. Moses, the Israelites were still living in Canaan (Palestine). According to the historian, David (David) became king of Israel and built a powerful empire.During the reign of his son Sulaiman (Solomon), Israel's boundaries extend from the Nile to the Euphrates River in the south of the country is now in northern Syria.

This is a glorious time for the kingdom of Israel in many fields, particularly architecture. In Jerusalem, Solomon built a palace and monastery are remarkable.After his death, God sent many prophets to the Children of Israel, although in many cases they do not listen to them and betray God.

After kematin Solomon, the kingdom split in the northern Israeli Jews with capital Samarria and In the South of Judah with the capital Yerrusalem. With the passage of time rates fall below Assyurriea Jews and Babylonians or go to Egypt as a fugitive.When the king Perrsia Kyros 539 BC allowed the Jews back from their escape, many Jews who did not return, this is where the start of the Diaspora.

63 BC Judah and Israel fell into the hands of the Romans and the 70 ornag managed to destroy the rebellion and destroyed the monastery of Jerusalem and Judah.

Initial formation of Israel

After that there's only Jewish life on the run and chase, only in the reign of Uthman, the Jews can feel peaceful life by paying a tax shelter. Late 19th century, supported by the Jewish Colonization Assocation Baron Hirsch, Jews from Eastern Europe to Argentina and formed berreimigrasi agricultural Colonialism, to return to Palestine. It began in 1881.

1896 Theodor Herzl born in Budapest to make the Jewish State. The goal is to create a state for Jews in Palestine, supported by money donated by Jews from around the world. Herzl was also known as the founder of Zionism, which is also not approved by the Jewish people themselves.

1914 In 1200 the Palestinian Jews live. After the defeat of the reign of Usman in World War 1, Palestine was the ball game's rulers. The Zionists have in the UK and U.S..

1917 On 2 November the British foreign minister Lord Balfour signed the Balfour Declaration to establish the Jewish state. A month later entered the British army to Jerusalem.

1920 Joint States submit to the British mandate Palestine. As a result, 75,000 more Jews came to Palestine. Arab countries do not approve the establishment of Negar Jews in Palestine.

1922 Transjordania separated from the mandate. As a representative of the Jews was made Jewish Agency. This year approximately 80,000 lives of Jews in Palestine

In 1933 Germany began the systematic persecution of the Jews.

1936 Arab Society opposed the entry of Jews to Palestine, but the Jews aided by British troops.

1937 After a government mandate to limit immigration and land purchases by Jews, tension arises done by the Jewish underground organization against the British.

1939 Education of a Jewish brigade to enter the Jews to Palestine

1945 British American Commission recommends acceptance of 100,000 Jews in Palestine, but later rejected by the British that led to unrest among the Jews - Palestine.

1947 UNO advocated the separation of Palestinians and the establishment of Jewish and Arab states. The war between Jews and Arabs to avoid the continuation of the plan.

1948 British mandate over Palestine ended and dated May 14, leaving the Palestinians. Army Jews entered Palestine and expel the Palestinians, supported by Arab countries. On the same day Israel's Ben Gurion called for independence in the city that formed them, Tel Aviv, which later led to war the first day of the Middle East.

1949 After the war, Israel is recognized as a country by the UNO. Therefore hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live in exile, especially in Gaza. The Israeli government declared Jerusalem as its capital. In Palestine there are about 650,000 Jews.



Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Pelajaran Satu Juta Dolar

Pelajaran Satu Juta Dolar Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Petey Parker adalah seorang memberikan dasar-dasar bisnis inti melalui konsultasi dan seminar untuk semua kalangan. Dia membawa sebuah perspektif yang jujur sebagai pengamat, memberikan wawasan strategis, dan membantu perusahaan dalam menemukan solusi akan program dan agenda perusahaan. Berikut adalah ceritanya..

Seorang sopir taxi di Dallas telah mengajarkan saya bagaimana memenuhi harapan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Sebuah pelajaran seharga satu juta Dollar. Mungkin anda harus mengeluarkan ribuan Dollar untuk membayar seorang keynote atau pembicara profesional dalam sebuah seminar atau pelatihan motivasi untuk karyawan perusahaan. Tapi kali ini saya hanya cukup mengeluarkan ongkos taxi seharga 12 Dollar saja.

Berikut ceritanya: Suatu hari saya terbang ke Dallas untuk bertemu seorang klien. Waktu sangat sempit, karena saya harus segera kembali ke airport. Saya menghentikan sebuah taxi. Begitu berhenti, dengan segera sopir taxi membuka pintu mobil untuk saya, dan memastikan bahwa saya telah duduk dengan nyaman di dalamnya.

Begitu saya duduk di belakang kemudi, dia menunjuk sebuah koran Wall Street Journal yang terlipat rapi di samping saya untuk dibaca. Kemudian dia m
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Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Arloji yang Hilang

Arloji yang Hilang Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Ada seorang tukang kayu. Suatu saat ketika sedang bekerja, secara tak disengaja arlojinya terjatuh dan terbenam di antara tingginya tumpukan serbuk kayu.

Arloji itu adalah sebuah hadiah dan telah dipakainya cukup lama. Ia amat mencintai arloji tersebut. Karenanya ia berusaha sedapat mungkin untuk menemukan kembali arlojinya. Sambil mengeluh mempersalahkan keteledoran diri sendiri si tukang kayu itu membongkar tumpukan serbuk yang tinggi itu.

Teman-teman pekerja yang lain juga turut membantu mencarinya. Namun sia-sia saja. Arloji kesayangan itu tetap tak ditemukan.

Tibalah saat makan siang. Para pekerja serta pemilik arloji tersebut dengan semangat yang lesu meninggalkan bengkel kayu tersebut.

Saat itu seorang anak yang sejak tadi memperhatikan mereka mencari arloji itu, datang mendekati tumpukan serbuk kayu tersebut. Ia menjongkok dan mencari. Tak berapa lama berselang ia telah menemukan kembali arloji kesayangan si tukang kayu tersebut.

Tentu si tukang kayu itu amat gembira. Namun ia juga heran, karena sebelumnya banyak orang telah membongkar tumpukan serbuk namun sia-sia. Tapi anak ini cuma seorang diri saja, dan berhasil menemukan arloji itu.

"Bagaimana caranya engkau mencari arloji ini ?", tanya si tukang kayu.

"Saya hanya duduk secara tenang di lantai. Dalam keheningan itu saya bisa mendengar bunyi tik-tak, tik-tak. D
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